Who We Are

TRANSCEND OCEANIA is a not for profit non-governmental organisation, registered under the Fiji Charitable Trust Act on the 16th of October 2014 in Suva.

People living JustPeace and Non-Violence in Oceania

Transcend Oceania by advancing Sustainable Peace and Development through Justice and Non-violence.


  • Human Rights; all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and human rights.
  • Just-Peace; which is based on the conviction that there can be no peace without justice.
  • Social Justice; creating the conditions that allow individuals to develop fully their human potential, to fulfill their personal and social needs and work with others for the common good of all.
  • Gender Equality; that women and men share equal responsibilities, participation and opportunities for development at all levels in society.
  • Human Development; expanding people’s knowledge and capacities to improving the human condition and community wellbeing so that all can lead full lives.
  • Non Violence; a philosophy and strategy for social change that builds and promotes deeper understanding of perspectives through effective interventions.
  • Inclusiveness & Participation; just and peaceful communities are created when all people involved participate and are included in all decision making processes that affect their lives.


  • Respect; for humanity, human rights, differences, life, and the environment.
  • Diversity; Exploring all diverse views in a situation is essential to building just and sustainable peace.
  • Relationship Building; Relationships are at the heart of peacebuilding therefore should be established and nurtured amongst parties in all situations.
  • Accountability & Responsibility; are crucial to maintaining integrity. We are accountable and responsible to our partners and those who are impacted by the activities we undertake.
  • Partnerships; Peacebuilding is a collaborative process that can be helped through collaboration and working in partnership with others. Good sustainable partnerships can often create greater impacts in peacebuilding.
  • Long Term Perspective; Building peace, transcending violence and transforming conflicts is a long term process. We are committed to supporting and accompanying individuals, organizations and communities over the lengthy and complex path to peace with patience, dedication and perseverance.
  • Professionalism; Building peace requires passionate belief as well as professional skills and expertise. These are necessary to create sustainable change in violent situations!

Theory of Change:
Transcend Oceania firmly believes that the ultimate goal for change in peacebuilding is transcendence – the attainment of a higher sense of self through transformation that influences individuals, relationships, cultures and structures. It is grounded in non-violent approaches to relating with others and the environment creating just, peaceful, inclusive, participatory, sustainable and resilient communities. This is enabled through training and education, Peace process facilitation and healing, justice and development initiatives and research that builds on local knowledge systems, skills and approaches of Oceania and recognizes other effective ways to building justpeace communities.